The Sagebrush Trail

Welcome to The Sagebrush Trail Audiobook series: Classic stories of the American West by famous authors like Owen Wister, Zane Grey, Harold Bindloss, Jack London, Rex Beach, and more.  

The Sagebrush Trail podcast graphic

So . . Saddle up, partner, and head West for two-fisted adventure from the Pecos to the Yukon.



The Virginian (otherwise titled The Virginian: A Horseman of the Plains) is a 1902 novel by the American author Owen Wister(1860-1938), set in the Wyoming Territory during the 1880s. It describes the life of a cowboy on a cattle ranch and is considered the first true fictional western ever written. The Virginian paved the way for many more Westerns by such authors as Zane Grey, Louis L'Amour, and others.

The Sagebrush Trail
The Virginian 01
  • The Virginian 01

    The Virginian 01

    Jan 4, 2021 • 15:08

    A dude from the East newly arrived on the train at Medicine Bow, Wyoming, finds the culture primitive but exciting

  • The Virginian 02

    The Virginian 02

    Jan 4, 2021 • 38:04

    The Virginian takes a hand at poker and our visitor learns some Western customs

  • The Virginian 03

    The Virginian 03

    Jan 4, 2021 • 21:18

    It’s an all-night party, thanks to Steve losing the bet and now they’re joyfully whooping it up in Medicine Bow.

  • The Virginian 04

    The Virginian 04

    Jan 4, 2021 • 30:05

    Traveling to the Judge’s Ranch, our narrator learns with astonishment about the great distances in the West.

  • The Virginian 05

    The Virginian 05

    Jan 4, 2021 • 10:01

    The citizens of Bear Creek must decide which candidate will be the new schoolteacher

  • The Virginian 06

    The Virginian 06

    Jan 4, 2021 • 36:46

    Em’ly the hen proves she is a personality like none other

  • The Virginian 07

    The Virginian 07

    Jan 4, 2021 • 09:24

    The Judge’s cattle begin to fall prey to rustlers

  • The Virginian 08

    The Virginian 08

    Jan 4, 2021 • 12:26

    Molly Stark refuses an offer of marriage from an eligible suitor and decides to try and make a new life for herself out West

  • The Virginian 09

    The Virginian 09

    Jan 4, 2021 • 21:58

    The Virginian rescues the new Schoolmarm

  • The Virginian 10

    The Virginian 10

    Feb 9, 2021 • 29:46

    The Virginian defends a lady’s honor and gets up to mischief with Steve



"We left the West Bank of the Missouri River on May 17, 1857. Our objective point was Sonoma County, California."
So begins this extraordinary account of the epic journey of thirty seven persons in eight wagons. Before them lie all the rigors, hardships and uncertainties that countless emigrants like them had to endure in the quest for a new life in the West. 
The Sagebrush Trail
The Sagebrush Trail
Crossing the Plains - Chapter 1 : by William Audley Maxwell
  • Crossing the Plains - Chapter 1 : by William Audley Maxwell

    Crossing the Plains - Chapter 1 : by William Audley Maxwell

    Sep 1, 2021 • 14:49

    Forsaking the Old in Quest of the New The wagon train heads West

  • Crossing the Plains - Chapter 2 : by William Audley Maxwell

    Crossing the Plains - Chapter 2 : by William Audley Maxwell

    Sep 1, 2021 • 18:23

    Laramie Fashions and Sioux Etiquette Our first buffalo hunt

  • Crossing the Plains - Chapter 3 : by William Audley Maxwell

    Crossing the Plains - Chapter 3 : by William Audley Maxwell

    Sep 1, 2021 • 20:55

    Lost in the Black Hills A wrong turn leads to a seemingly impassible barrier

  • Crossing the Plains Chapter - 4 : by William Audley Maxwell

    Crossing the Plains Chapter - 4 : by William Audley Maxwell

    Sep 1, 2021 • 14:51

    Disquieting Rumors of Red Men After news of Indian unrest, we join up with another train for strength in numbers

  • Crossing the Plains - Chapter 5 : by Wm. Audley Maxwell

    Crossing the Plains - Chapter 5 : by Wm. Audley Maxwell

    Oct 1, 2021 • 16:27

     The Holloway Massacre Indian attack!

  • Crossing the Plains - Chapter 6 : by Wm. Audley Maxwell

    Crossing the Plains - Chapter 6 : by Wm. Audley Maxwell

    Oct 1, 2021 • 24:15

    Origin of “Piker” The daily routine of a wagon train  

  • Crossing the Plains - Chapter 7 : by Wm. Audley Maxwell

    Crossing the Plains - Chapter 7 : by Wm. Audley Maxwell

    Oct 1, 2021 • 21:18

    Tangled by a Tornado A storm causes the livestock to stampede

  • Crossing the Plains - Chapter 8 : by Wm. Audley Maxwell

    Crossing the Plains - Chapter 8 : by Wm. Audley Maxwell

    Oct 1, 2021 • 08:55

    Disaster Overtakes the Wood Family Another deadly Indian attack 

  • Crossing the Plains - Chapter 9 : by Wm. Audley Maxwell

    Crossing the Plains - Chapter 9 : by Wm. Audley Maxwell

    Oct 1, 2021 • 12:14

    Mysterious Visitors Suspicious characters who claim to be mountain men, try to join up with the party

  • Crossing the Plains - Chapter 10 : by Wm. Audley Maxwell

    Crossing the Plains - Chapter 10 : by Wm. Audley Maxwell

    Oct 1, 2021 • 11:46

     Challenge to Battle The party is threatened by a gun waving bully


Delilah Of The Snows is a story about the blindness of a young man, Walter Ingleby, to the sterling worth of a girl in his own "class," his mad infatuation for another girl socially beyond his reach, and his final awakening to his folly when the other girl betrays him as wantonly as Delilah betrayed Samson, into the hands of the authorities who demand his life. The story's scene is the Klondike, with the sense conveyed of cold, deprivation, suffering, primitive passions, and the hope that the application of the law might make things right.

The Sagebrush Trail
The Sagebrush Trail
Delilah of the Snows Chapter 1
  • Delilah of the Snows Chapter 1

    Delilah of the Snows Chapter 1

    May 8, 2021 • 24:03

    Young Ingleby chafes at his inability to rise, under the current class system in England

  • Delilah of the Snows Chapter 2

    Delilah of the Snows Chapter 2

    May 8, 2021 • 23:34

    Ingleby agrees to accompany his friend Ledger to protest the enclosure of the lake, but the unexpected threat of violence unsettles him

  • Delilah of the Snows Chapter 3

    Delilah of the Snows Chapter 3

    May 8, 2021 • 28:14

    Major Colthurst is offered a government post in Canada, Grace has a wealthy suitor in Esmond and the protest suddenly turns violent

  • Delilah of the Snows Chapter 4

    Delilah of the Snows Chapter 4

    May 8, 2021 • 23:16

    Ingleby and Ledger decide they must flee the country and Hetty declares she must go with them

  • Delilah of the Snows Chapter 5

    Delilah of the Snows Chapter 5

    May 8, 2021 • 27:21

    Grace shocks her father and Mrs. Esmond by refusing Geoffrey. During the train ride across Canada, Hetty proves homesick.

  • Delilah of the Snows Chapter 6

    Delilah of the Snows Chapter 6

    May 8, 2021 • 20:55

    Ingleby and Ledger find work in Vancouver City and hear a rousing new socialist speaker in the park

  • Delilah of the Snows Chapter 7

    Delilah of the Snows Chapter 7

    May 8, 2021 • 22:12

    Loading freight, Ingleby is astonished to see Grace and learn she and her father are headed to the Yukon

  • Delilah of the Snows Chapter 8

    Delilah of the Snows Chapter 8

    May 8, 2021 • 21:49

    Ingleby, Ledger and Hetty make the long arduous trek to the diggings

  • Delilah of the Snows Chapter 9

    Delilah of the Snows Chapter 9

    Jun 4, 2021 • 24:00

    Hetty Finds a Way With supplies running dangerously low, Ingleby fears he will have to give up his claim

  • Delilah of the Snows Chapter 10

    Delilah of the Snows Chapter 10

    Jun 4, 2021 • 25:11

    Unrest The miners, headed by Sewell take their grievances to the head office of the Mounties where they are met with no sympathy


Riders of the Purple Sage, by Zane Grey, published in 1912. The novel has been called "the most popular Western novel of all time."

It is a story about three main characters who, in various ways, struggle with persecution from the local Mormon community in the fictional town of Cottonwoods, Utah.

The Sagebrush Trail
The Sagebrush Trail
Riders of the Purple Sage - Ch. 1 : by Zane Grey
  • Riders of the Purple Sage - Ch. 1 : by Zane Grey

    Riders of the Purple Sage - Ch. 1 : by Zane Grey

    Jan 8, 2022 • 27:49

    Chapter 1: Lassiter - Mormon Elders in a Southern Utah community resent their Gentile neighbor.

  • Riders of the Purple Sage - Ch 2 : by Zane Grey

    Riders of the Purple Sage - Ch 2 : by Zane Grey

    Jan 8, 2022 • 30:02

    Chapter 2:  Cottonwoods - After Lassiter saves Venters, Janie asks them both to stay to supper and learns that Lassiter is searching for the grave of Millie Erne

  • Riders of the Purple Sage - Ch 3 : by Zane Grey

    Riders of the Purple Sage - Ch 3 : by Zane Grey

    Jan 8, 2022 • 32:55

    Chapter 3:  Amber Springs - Venters has a talk with Lassiter about the rustlers and tells him all he knows about Millie Earne.

  • Riders of the Purple Sage - Ch 4 : by Zane Grey

    Riders of the Purple Sage - Ch 4 : by Zane Grey

    Jan 8, 2022 • 35:03

    Chapter 4:  Deception Pass - Venters vows to find where Oldring hides the herd, but Janie fears for his safety.

  • Riders Of The Purple Sage - Ch 5: by Zane Grey

    Riders Of The Purple Sage - Ch 5: by Zane Grey

    Jan 24, 2024 • 00:33:22

    Chapter 5: The Masked Rider - Venters is shocked to learn the identity of the Masked Rider.

  • Riders Of The Purple Sage - Ch. 6: by Zane Grey

    Riders Of The Purple Sage - Ch. 6: by Zane Grey

    Jan 24, 2024 • 00:42:09

    Chapter 6: The Mill-Wheel of Steers - Jane is forced to realize the plot to steal her cattle and wealth and break her spirit.

  • Riders Of The Purple Sage - Ch. 7: by Zane Grey

    Riders Of The Purple Sage - Ch. 7: by Zane Grey

    Jan 24, 2024 • 00:26:48

    Chapter 7: The Daughter of Withersteen - Jane decides to fight and asks Lassiter to ride for her.

  • Riders Of The Purple Sage - Ch. 8: by Zane Grey

    Riders Of The Purple Sage - Ch. 8: by Zane Grey

    Jan 24, 2024 • 00:37:03

    Chapter 8: Surprise Valley - Venters finds an ideal hiding place for Bess to rest and heal.

  • Riders Of The Purple Sage - Ch. 9: by Zane Grey

    Riders Of The Purple Sage - Ch. 9: by Zane Grey

    Jan 24, 2024 • 00:38:37

    Chapter 9: Silver Spruce and Aspens - Venters gets acquainted with the Valley and nurses Bess.

  • Riders Of The Purple Sage - Ch. 10: by Zane Grey

    Riders Of The Purple Sage - Ch. 10: by Zane Grey

    Jan 24, 2024 • 00:39:53

    Chapter 10: Love - Venters realizes just what Bess means to him.

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